What health issues do you currently struggle with?

Thankfully I don’t struggle with any health issues. :brown_heart::pray:t5:

A lot. They’re listed above.

GERD :star_struck:

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I struggle on and off with depression and anxiety, but it’s been much better lately. I’ve also been getting migraines more often these days, so I need to go to the chiropractor soon, and drink more water.

@Health Do you struggle with any health issues at the moment?


Yes, always drink plenty of water. It saddens me that coffee doesn’t count. Ha

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Coffe is actually a diuretic, meaning you need to drink more water. It does the opposite of helping. I learned that the hard way.

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Yes, I know, that’s why I said it saddens me.

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It sucks.

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I don’t know exactly why, but my knees are very prone to bursae. All I have to do is sit or bump them and they swells up and hurt. A few hours/days later with cooling it is over but irritating.

Tw: Just gross foot stuff.

So um, yeah got an infection on my big toe. A pretty bad one too. It feels so ridiculous to say but I’m in like so much pain lol.

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