What holiday do you wish existed?

‘National Food Hybrid Day’ sounds like a rad holiday in my opinion :star_struck::sweat_smile: and I’m sure you guys love trying different food alternatives.
For example “churro ice cream sandwich” looks really appetizing and I’ll definitely try that.

  • Let’s see… Are there any holidays you wish existed? :thinking:
  • What type of food hybrids you love?

They are many!
1.National device day.
2.National sleep day.
3. National fried food day.
4. National Shanni writes appreciation day😎
5. National cringy movies day.

Mac and cheese pizza


International appreciation day
International hugging day
Those would be soooo cute!


This sounds interesting… I might even be open to try it :star_struck:

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Children’s day!
We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day so i think the kids/Teens deserve they’re own day they work hard too :relieved:


Stay in bed all day day

it already exist.

Or at least when I was in nigeria

le gasp did I really ask this
me who’s tryin got understand where the food part came from xd!

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