What is a dance you think people look awkward doing?

Let’s face it. Some dances look downright bizarre. What’s the weirdest dance you’ve seen? I think the whip and nay nay, or whatever it is is super weird. What do you guys think? @Discussions


I would have to say it’s bloody Flossing.


Oh god. That.

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Yup. Sooo stupid.

Every fortnite dance
No offence to people who do them though, as long as you’re having fun

There’s this new trend on TikTok where people try to copy this dance and it’s just weird to me

Tiktok and Fortnite dances.
When I taught 2nd grade, all the boys used to do Fortnite dances all the time. My nephew was in that group, and even though he occasionally did Fortnite dances, even he admitted that no one looks cool doing them. :joy: :joy:

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Oh, and that weird swimming dance where people hold their noses and shimmy downwards. People usually do that dance when they hear 60s music.


What the…

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Literally just every TikTok dance. I don’t really care about people having fun like, you do you. But those pranks where it’s a two person dance and the other person doesn’t do it are sooo awkward :joy:



the classic prom dance where a teacher is making sure your bodies arent touching

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