What is a thorn in your side when it comes to essays?

For me, personally, I just can’t sum my points up. I keep adding more components to my point and expanding and expanding until it’s three pages long, I’m out of time and I’ve only completed one part of the criteria :rofl: Occasionally I try to just force myself to stop and tie off all my loose ends, but even that is quite difficult at times.
Basically I’m a big woffler lmao. I do it on here sometimes to, when I get excited ab something.

Anyways, what about you guys @Students ?

  • What is a thorn in your side when it comes to essays?
  • Do you have any ways of bypassing or working on this?

If you see someone else’s ‘thorn’ and you have advice for them, please share it! All contributions are appreciated :]



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For the love of GOD I just be going ON and even when I’m actively trying to be concise I’m still not concise—I just have to edit several times over several hours before I can get down to an acceptable limit :') especially when it comes to topics I’m passionate about—like I just cannot stop and I also research extensively and I want to include everything like

In my last essay I really wanted to include a Dear Evan Hansen reference in the conclusion but alas I fight with the confines of the page limit my teacher provided :sleepy:

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The conclusion. Why can’t I just finish the essay?? Why I gotta restate everything?


writer’s block…

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Properly wording it…

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I’m getting better at thesis statements but I used to be terrible at them. I still dislike them! I struggled for a long time to understand fully what they were and how to use them. Now I can say that I understand but it is still difficult. Because usually I come up with my thesis statement, then when writing the essay I realize I’m going completely off it because I’ve changed my mind or something lol.

But another thing about it is when I’m dealing with criticism of a piece of literature. Our teacher would have us do this and I had never done this before lol. Or at least to the extent we did it. I may have done it once in the past. Basically I was reacting to the criticism but I don’t think I did it correctly. After we discussed in class and everyone would say something different than me, I’d always realize what stupid points I made from not reading it enough… or idk. But I did notice myself getting better… That’s what counts!

Honestly my only advice is to keep going with it. I love everything literature related and essays are hard. I don’t even think I can write an essay well. I’ve written a few fairly good ones but haven’t really received good feedback on them so idk how well I’ve actually done lol. I think it’s best to realize your flaws, and then try to work on them in the future and don’t focus too much on the past. Just be happy that you’re getting a place to improve now! I mean nobody’s perfect.


Some problems I face while writing essays -

  • Word Limit
  • Lack Of Inspiration
  • Incorrect pacing
  • Over-surge of (ridiculous) ideas
  • Time limit
  • Being able to stick to the point

I’m actually really good at this, shut up past me

Grammar mostly! Maybe not expanding on points enough and honestly sometimes looking for academic evidence is a pain. But it pays off.

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