What is currently happening in Yemen?

This truly breaks my heart. Please help in any way possible, don’t ignore this. :pray:t4::pensive:

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If you want to donate rice, install freerice quiz. It’s an app where you play trivia quizzes and answer question, every question you answer correct, rice fills up. End Hunger!

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Please read.

Credit: @bluevirtu on IG


Keep signing petitions (also on other important issues of course), donate if you can, pray for the best and keep slayin’!

@Quinn, can u please try and frequently bump this thread for me? It’s really important and doesn’t need to be forgotten. :heart:



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@Discussions, what do you think about what is currently happening in Yemen?


I stand with Yemen.

woah guys…

this was one of the first replies I remember posting

Yemen is such a beautiful country. If only humans could put aside their petty wars and differences, then they can be united by the feeling of humanity and integrity and stand strong together. But no, they have to get into politics and warfare and descend into further chaos :pensive:

If I had my own way of generating income or was an adult, I would have definitely helped them. Best we can do is raise awareness about Yemen and preach messages to help those people. Generating money through crowdfunding can also help to huge extent.

I live in the Middle East and it is rarely talked about, the only time I’ve seen people talk about Yemen was on Instagram (from some girls in my grade). It is so saddening knowing this is happening close by and is not known about.

I stand with Yemen.

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