What Is Something You Feel Guilty About?

Loll. I get guilty for turning in assignments late cuz some teachers aren’t as strict about that.

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Welcome back!

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Existing :no_mouth::rose::two_hearts:

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I feel guilty about stuff I did as a kid. And for ignoring a friend’s phonecalls because I don’t feel like talking now.

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I feel guilty about these unnecessary feelings I be having. It makes me feel like a horrible person.

I really just feel bad for hurting anyone.

I feel guilty when my parents bullying me to death.

I feel guilty because I didn’t keep in touch with most of my friends when I moved across the country :no_mouth::sweat_smile::rose::two_hearts:

awwww maybe you can reconncect?

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I feel guilty about not keeping in touch with my friends during quarantine as much as I normally would.

I feel guilty ab the most random things, and almost everything I do I somewhat feel bad for

Oui, I just have to ask for their phone numbers :sweat_smile::rose::two_hearts:

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Aww u should totally do it!

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Being a lazy staff member :eyes::green_heart:

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You aren’t lazy!

Thinking that my parents were so worried about me that they didn’t get to spend time with my sister before she died…also not going into the hospital room to see my grandpa one last time…

Bailing on people because I don’t like leaving my room

Not doing my hw

oh and not getting along with my brother the way my parents want us to

Are we clones :scream:


clones :hot_face: