What is the biggest change most people go through in their life?

I can’t really give a definite answer to this but I’m going to say puberty? You get a bunch of changes to your body and crazy hormones it’s a strange time, what do you guys think?


Ooh yes same i think so too sm

A lot changes for a lot of people who turn 18 and move out. And I know it can be a huge change from the transition to highschool after middle school.

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Death, first of people you know and love and finally your own. And I am not even gloomy here. :skull:


Growing up. Being more open and mature to situations

Growing up— crushes (unless you don’t get them) puberty, getting more mature, knowing how to respond to respond to situations- move out—it’s a wild ride.

I think when people turn 18. They change a lot – both physically, mentally and emotionally :eyes:

Purberty, yes. And Death.

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Yep, this always happens, anytime, anywhere, unexpectedly.

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People also change when they reach their 40s. My mum is a prime example.

But so far I ain’t. :innocent:

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You must have grown a cool beard :pleading_face:
I want a beard too to flex :man_dancing::cowboy_hat_face:

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Not cool, it’s in the way when eating and tickles when you sleep. :roll_eyes:

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Do you shampoo your beard? :eyes:
Leo DiCaprio also shampooed his beard when he grew it while filming The Revenant :sunglasses::bearded_person:

And Idk why but this reminded me of The Twits by Roald Dahl :joy:

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Puberty for sure.

Aging too!


No, I would prefer to shave it all off, but lack the energy. :pensive:

Is that a song? :thinking:

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You don’t know the famous book by Roald Dahl?! :scream:

You should DEFINITELY read The Twits :grinning:
You will fall off your chair laughing, guaranteed :ok_hand:


If one day I should read again… :pensive:


I’m trying to update the discussion section and I don’t remember all the threads I made, so before I’d clicked onto it I was like “oh puberty!”

Guess my opinion hasn’t changed :joy: what about yours?

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