What is the hardest assigment you've ever had to do?

Been a while since I actually made a thread and I genuinely don’t remember if one already exists on this topic :thinking:

But anyway!

Assignments can be really difficult, regardless of if you chose to do the subject. For example, I’m doing an English Literature degree with creative writing, I’m only in first year but so far the hardest assigment I had to do revolved around this question:

“To what extent do you agree that writers in the renaissance were imitators rather than innovators”

I passed it first try but of all my assigments this one really made my brain hurt :joy: I had to do so much research, my classmates even said they deliberately avoided that question because it sounded hard.

Though some smart person on here is probably gonna come in like “pffft that question isn’t hard” to which I’ll say glad you think so! Good for you champ!


What is the hardest assignment you’ve ever done?
What made it difficult?
In general what tends to make assignments hard for you?


I don’t remember the exact question, but it was surrounding a company and risks/outcomes of investments in different sources of energy. It just was a whole lot of work, required a complex Monte Carlo analysis and yeah, I worked on it for hours and hours.
In general what makes assignments difficult for me is when what you have to do is very open and up to you, like when it’s not really a structured question when you know right away what they expect of you. Sometimes that thinking out of the box and coming up with a structure myself isn’t easy for me.

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I understand that honestly

I had an American Lit assignment where we were allowed to come up with our own questions and run them by the teacher, I nearly came up with an impossible question to answer but it was literally just because I hate essay question terminology, I didn’t score highly in that assignment, I still more than passed but it put me off signing up for a module with that teacher again because he didn’t even give me feedback.

Ah… all my assignments in my first semester of uni, as I had 14 do complete. This was to create the work and complete the ‘tests’/‘trials’ to get to that work and share the research with it.

The assignment that took me from 7am to 7pm. Yes.

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Honestly, probably my end of year project


The 10 slide Romeo and Juliet project that I had to do earlier this year :roll_eyes:
Ruined Shakespeare for me.

I had to write a story based on someone who had a terminal illness for my health class. I’m more use to write supernatural stories at the time plus didn’t quite know how to write the story. I ended up writing a young girl who was diagnosed with leukemia. Instead of her passing away she was bit by a werewolf but she was to the point of hospice when that happened. The hardest part was that I had to read the story out loud in front of the class. Public speaking was not my forte in highschool. Another assignment was making a project on a product that was made up plus how much to promote the product. Can’t remember what the grade was but I think it was an A for that. The story was a C+ though. Mainly because the teacher loved the story.

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