What is the latest book you bought?

Some of us are a little addicted to buying books even if we already have too many that we still haven’t read. So I’m curious to hear what is the latest book you bought?



I waited for almost 2 months for My dark Vanessa to arrive and I finally got it!


I bought three at the same time!

Crime and Punishment, One Hundred Years of Solitude, and Ain’t I a Woman?
The first two were second hand, and the third was new.

I have managed to keep from buying any others this month, but a bookshop near my accom has, like, five books from my favourite author that I have yet to read, and it has been difficult.

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I just finished Clown in a Cornfield (found out I like gory horror?)

But have so many on my shelf I need to finish :sob:

Not any recently.
Thooooooooooooo, I nearly bought a ‘mystery book’ at a book store today. Was a super fun idea, to basically pick a book based on just genre and be surprised with what you get :joy:

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Percy jackson…

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I don’t know. Far too many from the Red Cross book sale ages ago.
Haven’t recently 'cause we’ve been moving cities.

Iron Flame

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Book lovers and whole HP series finally

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