What is your biggest piece of art you've done?

I mean, I’m just going to put a pointillism work I created. It might not be that perfect but I’m not a perfect drawer so I actually like this work.

My work

  1. What’s your biggest piece of art?
  2. Is it your favorite?
  3. Are you going to keep creating more of them?
  4. Do you consider yourself an artist?



It’s something I did for prom, it was a big tree sculpture :smile_cat: It was a group work

No :joy: It looked okay but not really great and we hid it in a corner of the stage :joy:

Hopefully not

No, not really

Well, it’s a female body that I can’t really share here ahahah
I did on a 60x90 canvas

It is actually!

I really wish I had time! But I want to create more similar paintings!

Uhm, yeah, I guess

My biggest piece which is also my favorite piece:


I honestly seriously couldn’t tell you!!

I think an anime portrait from middle school, I liked it a lot. Too bad I don’t have it anymore!! Rip.

@Artists what about you?


Oi done-
noww where’s that artwork

Panoramas or short films?

  1. Biggest as in size/resolution, or biggest as in the most work? I think either way, mine would be this one at the moment from back in 2017. I worked on it off and on for about two years, figuring out the composition (which turns out to be a trapezoid tilted sideways, though it could be a simple triangle if you ignore the staff). The most time consuming was translating their outfits properly (which were designed by real fashion students). Looking it at it now in 2022, I see all kinds of anatomical flaws and details I have forgotten (like the blue tips in the green hair). :

  2. It’s my favorite so far, despite the fact that I’m totally changing up their designs to bring their story to life in a way that allows me to draw them faster.

  3. I just answered this one in number 2, but yes, I’m going to be drawing them again in the future.

  4. I’d like to be an artist-writer fusion, as I work on improving both crafts. Wish me luck.

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