What is your college major/minor?

As a college student, you get to choose what you want to major in and then you also get to decide if you want to do a minor as well. If you’re in college right now, what’s your major/minor? If you’ve already finished college, what was your major/minor?

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I majored in fashion design, but can’t sew nor make patterns to save a life. I was in it for the drawing and illustrating part, and I should have switched majors once I realized that I had no sewing/drafting/craft skills, but I stuck with it and got my degree. Nevertheless, I decided that I was NOT going to work in that field because the only way to get a job in the fashion design world (at least back then) was to get an internship with a designer, either sewing or drafting.

So, I went to Mexico, got my certifications in teaching English as a second language, and I’m currently taking the TEFL course so I can move to Europe next year and work from there.


I haven’t declared my major yet (at my university, we don’t do it until the end of first year) but I’m planning to major in film and media with a minor in world language studies




Im majoring in civil engineering

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Double majoring in Forensic Chem and Forensic Psychology.


I have no idea what that means and never will. We… don’t have that… I just study interior design, that’s all… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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When I was in college my major was Finance


I thought you were a lot younger, lol. I blame your pfp.

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Lol I need to change that it’s been a long time lol. But nah I’m 27

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Major in Psychology, minor in communication studies.

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Im in community college to get my general education before I got into my major XD
So technically Associate Science XD But I plan on transferring to a Forensics Science school after I get the AS
Also, all you psychology majors out there, pretty cool :sunglasses:
It was my favorite AP class in school XD


Man me too I have four classes left for my AS but I already have taken some that I will need for my majors aw well and its fun to see you are going into Forensic science as well

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Im only on my first semester xD it’s fun (except for the no science classes I have to take) but I can’t wait till I can actually take classes specifically focused on my major
And yeah, forensics is a fascinating topic

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Elementary and special education

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