What is your dream vacation?

Personally I would like to go somewhere that has no sun so maybe deep underground :thinking: jk I would like to go to a place of natural beauty or something.

What about you guys?


The blue lagoon in Iceland :heart_eyes:

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Or someplace else that has water even though I can’t swim
And isn’t sunny and hot like an oven

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Sad… I would have gone there in like, 2 weeks :pensive:




Iceland is amazing!!! :heart_eyes: Recommend!

I would like to travel through lots of countries, like with interrail or something or a roadtrip on all the continents but not in one go lol. Maybe sailing would work too for countries with a coast.


I highly recommend doing this! I basically did something like that!


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My friends did for two months in Europe… They would go again this fall if it wasn’t for corona

I decided to study instead lol, bad life decisions (should have traveled instead)

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Lol, I did it for a week, basically it was my way traveling home from a project I had done in Turkey, I made like a couple of stops and just, had one of the best weeks of my life! And, yeah, honestly if I were you I would have regretted that decision now as well…

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I want to take a bag and good a plane ticket for tomorrow :sob:

An isolated island with warm weather and good internet and food :eyes::green_heart:

And ducks?

Of course :pleading_face::green_heart::duck:

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I want to go to Japan some day. :yum::white_heart:

My biggest wish is to go to Iceland. It’s not wrong to say I’m obsessed. I wanted to go there for the longest time and I finally have money but no one to go with.
I have this list of things I have to do and visit. I want to learn the language and I stay for at least a month. I’d get a campervan so I can go to every single possible place. Just imagine waking up looking across those beautiful fields.
From time to time I would rent out a little cabin that is in the middle of nowhere, I believe they are called Blueview cabins and they are the cutest things I’ve seen.
Aurora borealis!! All the waterfalls, Svartifoss!! Ice caves!!

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