What is your important long-term plan?

Very late thread, but let’s get on with it anyway. Everyone has that one plan that will be the plan to take care of yourself with. This can be aiming to live in a certain place, have a dream job, getting married to the right person, or even having kids. My longterm plan is to work in the medical field with medical coding and billing job. I’m in a program to learn what the job comes with. This will be a full salary job which I will work part-time since I plan to work from home. I will also keep the bakery job in Kroger since I will need the social interaction from that job. It’s always best to have a social job on top of working from home job otherwise you could lose that social connection if you are an introvert like me. Also, I want to publish my book series once I finish it as well. Those are the two most important plans I have.

What is your most important long-term plan? How will it help you reach your goal? How long do you think it will take to accomplish this goal?



Move out of this ridiculous country, start my own business and have a happy marriage and family!
Moving is not that simple so I don’t want to think much about it because I know I will get disappointed but I do hope I’ll accomplish everything before I’m 30




Rn I just want to finish university and get the job I want so I can provide for myself. On a side note, I’m learning French,German and Portuguese and I want to be completely fluent in a few years (in French I’m close to that). I would also love to do an exchange program but Idk with corona.


That sounds like a great plan then!

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Haa…I think everyone feels that way about their country. I’m just done with listening to the media at this point.


Thanks! I wish you the best for your career and I hope you reach all your goals!!

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Thank you!

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Getting to college is my primary concern.

Becoming a lawyer is more long-term.

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Good, stick with that plan!

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I’m a little stuck between music and law though. I’d rather become a lawyer. Maybe I could take some music production classes…

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You can always take a double major if you want to do both. You can always take a major in law then associates in music.

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I was planning to double major in law and possibly business or public relations.

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Okay, then I would think about if you want public relations or music instead. You can always get a self-paced certificate program for music. Similar to my medical billing and coding program that I told you about.

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Yep, there is so many options that you can take to get all three if you wanted to take the effort.

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Geez O_O

yeah, I’ll stick to not having 6 breakdowns

Yeah, that would be best then!

Getting into one of my top choices for college. Not much of a long term goal, since after this school year I’ll be beginning to apply to colleges, but yeah. A year is kind of long :joy:

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Probably getting into university, get a job, have a big house with probably 2 cats, get married and… that’s all I guess…?

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