What is your worst created RP/SG character ever?

Still better than mine.

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You rp?

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I do.

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All my characters aren’t that fleshed out, but I still love them.

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I’m sure they aren’t bad though, I’m mostly just hard on myself aha

Aw that’s good I don’t like a lot of mine oops

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Please give feedback. Constructive criticism.

Uh… well, for one, the personality and biography should be switched, 'cause they’re under the wrong titles.


:flushed: :woman_facepalming:t2:
How did I not realize I flip flopped the slides…


Oh my god. How did I not see that…slams head on desk




Also, I realized it should be “Not having very many friends” oops.


At one point or another, from the experienced, long time RPers, to the newbie RPers just joining into this crazy and amazing community, we’ve all created some characters that are simply poorly written. While some experienced RPers will look back to some of their earlier characters and hope people forget that character existed and how inexperienced they seemed at the time, we all have to look at some of those poorly written characters and think about where we’ve improved from. Even the most experienced RPer was once a newbie too. We have to grow in our writing and in our creation of characters which sometimes means looking back at some of our worst to look at how we could improve.

With that being said, here’s a place where anyone can share some of their worst characters. Look at the ways you’ve improved since then. With this being a place of sharing our worsts, this is also a place you can get help in improving that character.

And @RPers if you don’t feel like sharing the worst you’ve ever made, or can’t find their information, look to some you’ve done more recently as you’ve improved, and see how much you’ve improved even since then, and how you could improve the character further with the experience you have now. Even now we still may make characters that don’t match what we’re capable of, and there’s always room to improve, so let’s take that step back to look at where we’ve come from, and where we can still grow.

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Ha okay here comes:
Cade: thought every human was just a toy he could manipulate because no one had any goid in them anyway.

Philip: left his wife after discovering his child was a girl. Returned 20 years later to force his daughter to marry a guy to his liking so the guy will be the heir to his company. After finding out she isn’t his real daughter he just wants to punish her for disobeying him.

Juan: speaking if ‘the guy to his liking’ he’s not much better. He sees other people as tools to get what he wants. Everyone else is useless. Oh and he has a stupid pride that keeps him from seeing his actions are wrong.

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Wouldn’t say they are worst. They’re just the bad guys

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Late Juan

Probably my first RP character, queso Quarion

But it’s fine since he became a joke

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To be fair they are all characters I didn’t spend too much time on so compared to my other characters that are still the worse I made.

Self awareness is cool

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