What makes RP characters inconsistent

What Makes RP Characters Inconsistent

What makes RP characters inconsistent? RP characters being inonsistent is a maajor and large problem in the RP that can often have readers and creators alike wondering what the heck is happening. What exactly makes RP characters inconsistent?

This occurs when a plot requires a character to act in a way that conflicts with the previous description of his/her personality

Inconsistency for Relationships

When role-play characters become inconsistent for romantic relationships it really makes it annoying. What are signs and tells of this happening?

  • The RP character’s personality changes in order to be compatible or incompatible with the partner

An example: You have a smart, studious, and put-together girl who is sophisticated but only hours after time at the bar she’s in a bed with some random person she met. Do you see the clash? The inconsistency?

Inconsistency with Backstory

When role-play characters become inconsistent with their backstory. What are signs and tells of this happening?

  • The RP character’s personality does not logically match with what they have met with the backstory

An example: You have a character that has went through severe trauma or had a sad life, for example, their family was killed in a burglary or attack. There is no logical way they’ll be open and trusting with others and welcoming into their home. It just doesn’t match up. See in the inconsistency?

Why is there Inconsistency

There are multiple reasons why, you may not know your character well enough. You may be aiming for a certain goal you want to happen for your own reasons. One must be willing to flow and be familiar with their character to prevent inconsistency.

Sometimes Relationship Inconsistency is OK

We behave and act differently with certain groups of people. Family, Friends, Strangers, Enemies we all have a different inital way of speaking and interacting with them. That’s 100% OK. But it has to make sense, be planned out and have some sort of method or logic. It’s okay for a character to think they are one way but it should be important to show they aren’t like that.

That’s a guide on character on character inconsistency by yours truly, @melancholy (; I hoped this helped you! I’m apart of the @RPStaff who is here to help you with any questions or troubles, just make sure to tag us or shoot us a PM! Hope this helped!



Why are creepy smiles becoming popular again? (Sigh)

A big thing that happens a lot is when a rper forget things about their characters. For example, your character could have told a friend a close secret but you as a rper forget about it. Which could mess up the dialogue flow and also make people not want to approach you! If you ever forget what you told a character just look back at past conversations (potential guide)?

When they change their sexuality to match with a character they just met!Image result for shaking head gif


They’re only creepy when I use it.

OOoh :slight_smile: You should definitely write a guide on that.

:joy: HAHA, I didn’t want to say that outright but that’s obvious and (sadly) frequent thing.


Tobias becoming straight just so he doesnt have to be with you


Hit me harder than my dad :sob:

When anyone uses it!

@Mouschi (is my servent and shall do it instead).

I try to keep my characters sexualities something I can remember and what will make it more fun for me, but yeah some people do it without even noticing (but I noticed all).




This really is a great post, both for new and experienced RPers alike. For newer RPers this is common, but even the most experienced of RPers can slip up and cause inconsistencies. This definitely makes for both a good reminder as to why inconsistency is avoided, and for how the inconsistencies tend to happen.


such a big on oml

I be liek: ma char finna fck they sht up
And then when I’m rereading for characters, I remember that they had an experience that taught them to be patient and I mentally leap off of a cliff

I ain’t correc’en you tho

What am I witnessing lol

We lookin a’chu brooke


Well, I do admit, I have at times messed up and been inconsistent.


You always bounce back though baby


Save me

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blink twice if youre being held against your will

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:eye: :lips: :eye:

Blink x2

*knocks out unsuspecting @Tellyg47 w punch *
*whispers * run

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people trying to eat me and kill me. (Sobs)

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Hurry up and eat him already.

youre flavorless anyway, feed him to the dogs


And who are those people? :eyes: teehehheee

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The biggest recommendation I can give for minimizing inconsistencies with your characters is to read over their information often. Have their info open in a separate tab while you write their posts. That way you can reference it for best understanding how they would respond and react, and it helps you stay true to the character.


Added a few tags