What makes someone religious, agnostic, or atheist?

There are so many different religions, but what makes someone religious? Is it the way they do or don’t practice their religion? Is it how strictly they follow the guidelines of their religion? What about being agnostic or atheist? I was baptised and confirmed in the Lutheran church (a denomination of Christianity), but I don’t exactly consider myself religious. What do you think makes someone religious, agnostic, or atheist?


I think the main thing is what they identify as, if someone feels Christian they would be considered as that in my opinion… It’s all about what someone wants to be. In some way I feel like it’s a choice, for me it was a choice at least to be agnostic, even though I was raised Christian.

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I was baptised catholic but I don’t practise the religion at all, haven’t been in a church for service since I was 11 :person_shrugging: I’m not sure what makes a person religious but I don’t tend to judge, if someone tells me they’re religious I’m not gonna analyze every aspect of their life to make sure they are following everything their religion says :sweat_smile:


I think it’s just to do with what you believe in tbh, some people turn to religion for comfort and/or for personal reasons, whilst others may have just grown up with religious teachings. :woman_shrugging:

I, as a person and my own belief, don’t think that there is a god, or anything looking out for us other than ourselves. I don’t believe in heaven or hell or the magic of holy water, although I make jokes and laugh at jokes with my Christian and non christian friends about those kind of things.

I’m atheist because I find the concept of religion just a bit… eh. Not to be rude or impolite or anything, but it just seems a bit ridiculous to me. But I’d never attack someone for their religion or disrespect it, because each to their own I guess :woman_shrugging:.


For me, it’s pretty simple. If you believe the theology of the religion, then you’re a member of that religion.

I’m Catholic because I believe what the Catholic Church teaches. That’s it


It depends on whether or not you believe.

I consider myself a Christian because I believe in Jesus and God, and try to follow the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. Of course we are all human and we make mistakes; but it’s important to work on our weak areas, correct our mistakes, and not judge, bash, or treat people like trash just because they have different beliefs. :sunflower:

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I think you’re religious if you follow a religion and actively practice it. I don’t think it means practicing certain rules but just incorporating it into your daily life.
i think that being athiest means that they don’t actively believe in a god.


I mean, it depends on the person, for me. I’m a Muslim because I believe in Allah, his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and practice Sharia. I was also raised as one too. However, I don’t agree with some of the things, or “rules” in Islam because I consider myself a pretty progressive Muslim… but I’m quite still religious. I think if you believe in the religion, that there’s a god and you actively practice it, that makes you religious.


I guess if you believe in that religion.
I’m Atheist as i just don’t believe stuff without proof. I do believe in aliens tho even tho there isn’t any evidence of them but i don’t believe in gods. I would like to believe there’s someone watching over us but with the amount of bad things/people in the world, i just dont🤷‍♀️

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I believe that there is a god/gods but not a specific one. I don’t think that they have any control over what happens exactly, like this world was “made” and then we kinda took the reins or something like that.

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Do you think that it’s actually important to identify as one of these? :eyes::sparkles:

I’m atheist, but my family is Christian. I realized the whole thing was highly illogical. I mean, the world created in ten days? No, try billions of years.

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I believe in ghosts

Check out those green stringy things.

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I believe that our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, then fourteen billion years ago expansion started…ok, sorry.


Like I said in the OP, my family is Lutheran and that’s how I was raised (we really only attend service on Christmas and Easter), but I’m kind of leaning towards Wicca (as in, once I move out of my parents’ house, I’m buying supplies)

Anyone get the reference…? :dna::boom:

I don’t know what Lutheran is

It’s a denomination of Christianity that was created by Martin Luther. He was a monk who became unhappy with the way the Catholic church worked.

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Ohhh, wait…the 95 theses?

There is only one true God of Humanity. He gives his live for us every day. Sat upon his golden throne he is the becon at the heart of humanity. For he is My Emperor and he protects the virtuous.

Jk jk :laughing:

To be honest spirituality is a very personal thing and very core to being human. We all strive for a greater understanding be that through science or seeking a higher power.

To each their own. You are free to live and belief what you will as long as you dont force those ideals on others.

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