What makes you stop listening to a song?

For me, it’s often the lyrics. Maybe I didn’t pay attention to them before, but if I look them up or see them somewhere and there’s something that makes me feel unsettled, it might just ruin the song for me.

Bad memories related to that song might also turn me away from it. If a song reminds me of something negative, then I’ll be less likely to listen to it until that particular memory doesn’t affect me any longer.

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My only reason.

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If I find out the singer did something I don’t like, or if I just get tired of it :eyes:

I get bored of it after listening it on repeat…
why do i do that to myself

If I just get bored of it :woman_shrugging:t2:

Usually, it’s because it’s been overplayed on the radio or I listened to it so much that I’ve become sick of it.

What would make you stop listening to a song?
There are some songs I stopped liking after looking up the lyrics, others I stopped listening to because they were way too overplayed, and some are linked to bad memories.

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Yeah, agreed. When it’s overplayed.

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If the artist does something morally wrong or if it’s overplayed—such as every single morning on my school’s PA system haha yes more high hopes slander i hate


And mostly just if I get bored of it then I won’t listen to it anymore

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When I get bored of it :eyes: but I’ll start listening to it again like, a few weeks or months later

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