What makes you turn away from a book?

For me, it’s because it’s either too boring, too depressing, or too graphic.
What about you?


If it’s boringg

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If it starts with, iM nOt LiKe 0tHeR gIrLs



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I always have to finish a book, even if I don’t like it

If it’s just bad, my Mum was reading one that sounded like a 5 year old had written it and it literally used the phrase “she was as cold as ice” multiple times

It has to be really bad for me to stop reading when I already started unless I find out at the beginning that any of the main characters die.

  • If the protagonist has a Pick Me vibe
  • Long boring details
  • Disturbing scenes that could make me sick or shiver in fear

Fixed a tag and some quoting