What mannerisms have you picked up from a TV show or film character?

Have you ever caught yourself acting like a character from a TV show or film you watch a lot? If yes, what mannerisms have you picked up from that character?

I’m obsessed with South park and I remember saying “mkay” all the time!!! I don’t do it anymore but that was quite annoying to other people :joy:


I don’t know of anything that I’ve picked up from a movie or tv show. I feel like I’ve picked up more traits from RP characters.

I think so, when I used to watch TV, I did this with characters from shows that I liked a lot.

This happens every time I watch a tv show with more than two seasons :sweat_smile: But I also get rid of those mannerisms pretty fast so it’s just really funny for a short time :joy:

@ ScreenSloths have you picked up any mannerisms from a TV show or movie character?


I think ‘Winter Is Coming’ by Ned Stark from GoT. I always say it when the weather suddenly becomes chilly or, when, the winter season is coming :smile:

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I kinda started chopping the air like Iida Tenya, lol.

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