What or who has influenced your writing?

What or who has influenced your writing?

Anything that challenged and improved you? Anything that just generally changed your style of writing?

I think for me, definitely seeing other people’s posts influenced my writing. Seeing the detail other people went into in their posts made me want to try and do the same thing.


Definitely Suzanne Collins. Her world building is PHENOMENAL.

I think mostly reading other people’s posts and things like that, rarely books , but sometimes.
I mostly try to learn from the people i rp with (which in my opinion like 80% of them are better writers than me) so I do keep my attention on things and try to learn like a rad lad :sunglasses:

What about you guys? @RPers :eyes:


mostly the response from other people. I try to avoid copying other people’s writing style and but adjust on how the people reading my writing response to it.


Yeah, other Rpers and forums writers

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Joseph Evans, his advice impacted the way I write my Episode story now


Whether its in an RP, or in the way you write a character, we’re influenced by all sorts of things, even other RPers.

Do other RPers influence your writing in some way?


It’s really by observing how others do theirs mainly!

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everyone here ~

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