What platform/s do you use when watching Anime?

What platform/s do you use to watch Anime? Any recommendations for those who are looking for a site to watch Anime?

As for me, I mainly use Netflix and KissAnime to watch Anime. But the KissAnime I used to go on was put down for some reason. So, I use m.wcostream as an alternative (but it’s not as good as KissAnime).

Crunchyroll and Funimation aren’t available in my country, so I can use those either.


I’m not sure if there’s already an existing topic about this so please turn this down if there already is :sweat_smile:


Netflix. Sadly, they don’t have a lot of the anime I want to watch.


I use VRV, Netflix, and Hulu.


Added some tags! :innocent:

And I don’t watch anime but I know a lot of people do on Netflix


Crunchyroll, funimation, and Katsu app.


AnimePlanet (I think) is one that has Crunchyroll stuff on it. Also, it’s not pirated content which is good in my book. I don’t know if it’d be available in your country either but worth a shot


I used this mainly, Netflix as well.

I have the Katsu app on my phone, and Crunchyroll.

What do you think is the best platform to use for watching anime?


I’ve recommended this site to a few other people however, and they say they have issues with audio :thinking:
I mean, it works fine for me though!

I also use Netflix and an app called Katsu, however the latter is rather slow if your internet isn’t the best :sweat_smile:
And sometimes I use 4.anime, although the constant ads are a bit annoying.

Well hello fellow Katsu users :eyes:

So far, wco.stream.
It’s the easiest to watch anime on and has decent quality.
However there is a day’s delay when it comes to releasing new anime.


Crunchyroll and Netflix

So, technically, I can’t say the main website I use to watch anime but I use Hulu as a second source for anime. Netflix has some good choices as well. Amazon has animes too but they are mostly buying to watch even for prime members. I look to Hulu for most animes since it’s only one price for the whole non-live tv section.

Where do you watch anime at?



Nextflix and tubi

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I guess on Netflix or clips on YouTube.


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I use Funimation usually. Netflix if I can’t find the anime on Funimation.

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Yeah, probably Netflix for me.

Don’t ask me it my brother’s work to download anime for us

I use VRV which has Crunchyroll, and all the other streaming websites in one, and then I have Netflix and Hulu as well to watch my anime. So, good variety. Bless my parents for allowing me to use their subscriptions for the last two lol.

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