What real haunted park would you like to know about more and anything else

My family went to a park during thanksgiving last year and it a beautiful park but I did look it up and I didn’t even know it was haunted by pirates that died there even Blackbeard died there as well.

Wow, that is basically a lot but if you visit Charleston
City in South Carolina during your vacation and love see ghosts then stay around at White Point Garden At night. It one of America most haunted cities.


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That’s… rude


Do you have any haunted place you want to check out. Share your horror place where you want to go and see at night.

But I’m not that interested in haunted parks tbh. I never even heard of them.

So why did you go on a thread about them?

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I want to know what they are.

I have been here… hmm :thinking:

It one of the most haunted cities in America In South Carolina.

Bruh. :joy:


If you probably don’t know that celebrity got tormented by spirit.
Here the report if you do read it.

There is one thing haunted the The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror in Disney world right before you exist you will see a dummy that is basically haunted. If you don’t say hi to him the ride will broke dow. If you don’t believe me watch this video.

There’s an amusement park in Vienna and the house of mirrors there apparently is haunted. I’ve been there once but didn’t know anything about it and I don’t really believe in these stories, but when I came back home, my Mum told me about it and I looked up the story. Apparently the owner died and ever since that, people see a ghost in the mirrors.

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Whoa that creepy. I been watching this YouTube channel that they talk about legends, ghost story, ghost ship, and scary game you shouldn’t play.

Check this out if you want to. They even have on USA :us: and around the world.

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I should mention haunted lake and hiking trail

Ooh haunted stuff :star_struck:


There’s one abandoned amusement park in Fhina that I’ve been curious for a while. It’s called Wonderland. :eyes:


I don’t know about haunted but I went to an abandoned theme park in Seoul.

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If you want to, I been off all day watching this haunted murder house, don’t watch it if you are scared.

( I be on and off due to getting a new piano that my 2nd grandma had and I’m really excited)