What’s the most boring movie you’ve ever seen?

There are many boring movies out there. Although it’s mostly about personal preferences, there are some movies that most people find boring.

What’s the most boring movie you’ve ever seen?
Why was it so boring?
Do you know people who think it isn’t boring?


Half of Netflix Christmas movies :heart_eyes::pray:t3:


netflix films




Everything, everything — I fell asleep :grinning:


I’ve seen really boring movies, but all I can think of rn is 365 Days…god that movie was so boring, I kind of skimmed through the movie cuz it was uninteresting.


it was so lame i forgot the title of the movie. the acting was so bad and the plot was really boring. it was about a group of friends who go on a trip and accidentally get stuck in an underground haunted cave and they all die except for the one girl who dragged them all there. not a lot of people know the movie at all, it’s on netflix and i think it’s a netflix original – idk but i doubt people would know the movie if i asked


I tried to watch The Matrix but it seems boring to me. Maybe I’ll try to watch it again later.


I’ve tried watching Harry Potter a few times, but I always quit after they get to Hogwarts. I think it’s more of a personal preference, though, I’m more of a simp for low fantasy anyways


There are a lot of films I found boring but I can’t think of any right now!
I just know that I find a lot of horror films boring even if I love them and could watch them all day!! I think it’s just because they are all almost the same and I know what’s going to happen


It wasn’t a bad movie but it was so boring.

It was this :smiley:


It was about Doris as a Teacher for writing papers and Clark as a newspaper boss? I’m not sure.
Anyway it was just really slow sometimes and I felt no one really gained anything from it. The characters were really dry.

And they kind of copied this scene from the awful truth? :flushed:

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The Last Airbender. The cartoon was incredible, but the movie…

Just plain.

I don’t think anyone I know watched that movie.

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lmaooo idk but Netflix thrillers are the worst :joy: I just laugh at them because they all look the same to me

same plot :neutral_face: i just laugh ok :sweat_smile:

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