What Scares You in Horror Stories? šŸ˜ˆ

Looking for Nightmare Fuelā€¦ so letā€™s hear it what scares you in horror stories or what would you like to see in an Episode Horror story?! :thinking::smiling_imp:


Cliffhangers shudder


:joy::sweat_smile: well alrightā€¦ :joy::joy: Iā€™ll keep that in mind

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The visuals and suspense.


Definitely the suspense


Well visuals I have loads that Iā€™m waiting for approvalā€¦ :sob::joy: Iā€™ll do my best to keep the suspense :weary: itā€™s gonna be my first horror :sob:


I like creepy mirrors and things in mirrors

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And shadows

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Oooooh okay cool thanks :heart_eyes:

Hmmm there is only ever been one episode story that freaked me out and it was Shroud.

Stories that are based off actual urban legend will freak me out but if the story is just a repeat of that legend then it will bore me. For example reading the urban legend of Hello Kitty actually being a work of satanism. If that were to appear in an episode story word for word with no changes not only is that plagarism itā€™s also unorignial.

I remember somebody actually made a poorly directed version of Carrie and put it on the episode app and it was basically the story word for word. Same thing with the ring.

If you made a story based off those things but completely your own interpretation then fine but donā€™t just copy.

Itā€™s the stories that are completely original and chilling that will keep me awake. The website scary for kids has plenty of those kinds of stories. As does creepypasta.

what chills me the most though is if people say ā€œnow youā€™ve read this youā€™re gonna dieā€ stories that end like that keep me awake for days


I had The Shroud on my list to read Iā€™m gonna have to read it for inspiration :thinking::heart_eyes: thanks


Oh yeah definitely do! I think it was a contest story and the author put a bunch of recommended stories in her favourites bit on her profile from that contest. If theyā€™re still there I suggest checking them out because they were well directed and very well written.

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Itā€™s been a while since I checked but last time I checked out the horror section on episode it needed alot of work doing. Alot of the stories seemed to have been made on the mobile creator. The plots were there but the writing and direction werenā€™t.

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Personally I like it when a story has a very small cast. The bigger the cast, the less scary it gets. Iā€™d even say if you can have isolation and loneliness play a part. I love that idea being played with in horror, since itā€™s genuinely scary if someone doesnā€™t have help or support in truly terrifying situations


Shroud is absolutely amazing! The directing is so good and the story definitely built a lot of atmosphere and character.

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Personally, I think the scariest is when thereā€™s a bunch of suspense as one of the character pulls back something (A closet door, curtains, ect.), looking for someone or something and then nothing is there. And just as you think theyā€™re safeā€¦ JUMPSCARE! Gets me everytime. :smirk:


So I actually want to focus more on the demons themselves rather then a group of people and kinda go from there if that makes senseā€¦ I can set capitalize on the isolation factor thoā€¦ this story is gonna be more geared towards the predators rather then the prey :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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Ooh Iā€™ll got jumpscares Iā€™m gonna really try to push the envelope with the Horror genre so I have a few tricks up my selves :smiling_imp:


Iā€™ll keep that in mind :smiley::wink: I definitely want it to feel creepy and dark! :heart_eyes:


Well I hope I can deliver on the scary :joy::sweat_smile: