Originally published at: https://shanniiwrites.com/2019/03/31/what-should-you-do-with-criticism/
Criticism can be hard to accept, but it is an important part of growing as an author. Here’s how to take it like a pro.
Take it because it’s never personal. Always constructive.
By the way, just wanna say: it is better to be built on criticism than to be destroyed by compliments.
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Lol, some of this advice is good in general, not only for dealing with criticism, but with every tough situation Anyway, yeah you really wrote some good things and some useful advice more writers should listen to this advice.
Thanks! xD I know I used to hate criticism, but you really do learn to love it if you give it a chance
I think that if you get criticism you should take it into consideration but also know that your opinions on it are valid too. If someone says a criticism you don’t agree with you don’t have to take it. For example if you get criticism for writing and someone says your story is awful and they hate the genre or something, you don’t have to change your whole story because that one person said so! It’s nice however to get as much as you can though. If everyone is saying the same thing then you know you have something to change, but unless your story is extremely racist or something like that don’t listen to someone who says to change your whole story.
Yeah constructive criticism is the way forward IMO. I think I discuss it in the blog post, actually: the fact that not all criticism will be helpful, so it is important to know how to filter the helpful stuff from the unproductive
I really love constructive criticism especially when its about my work. I’m always wanting to improve so I actually like when people point out my mistakes that I can go back and fix. Your opinion is valid and it is your work so you should do what you want, but if there are many people saying to fix one thing I think at that point it might be time to change something.
It also is different when someone is just being mean rather that giving you helpful consideration.
I agree with you, Shani. Criticism can be harsh sometimes, and you should learn how to deal with different kinds of criticism. Ad hominem attacks are awful. Or when people didn’t even read the story, and they think they can leave actual criticism on the story. If they never read your story, you should just ignore their opinion, as it isn’t actually valid.
I’m absolutely terrible at taking criticism with my work. It’s really hard for me to take comments that are even slightly negative, and I overthink a lot of things. It’s definitely important to realize that you don’t have to take criticism, but you should definitely still be open and listen to it. As an author, it’s really easy to get too engrossed in your work and get a biased perspective of events and the story. The points about not taking it out on anyone else or being rude are really important, though, even if it can be hard to actually do.
I’m really bad at taking criticism I always get really defensive and try to argue against the criticism. If it gets too much, I just act as if it wasn’t there and cry silently under my blanket I mean, I don’t mind people discussing parts of my story, but sometimes I feel like if they’d read a bit further or read a part again, they wouldn’t criticise me for that anymore because they’d understand it better.
I think the most important part for me is the “Criticism Isn’t Demands” because I always feel like it is and that kind of makes everything really difficult
I’m not the best with criticism, but I do accept that it can help you become a better version of yourself. It’s important to learn how to take it, but sometimes it can come off as unnecessarily harsh. At the end of the day, people give criticism to help you grow, whether with good or bad intentions. However, some things are not criticism, like ad-hominem attacks. That’s not criticism, that’s offensive.
Hey @Bloggers, everyone faces criticism, but how is it best to handle it?
Take a read of this and tell me what you think!
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I’m not sure if I’m good at taking criticism or not. But, I haven’t written or published a story so…
Let it be, after reading lots of criticism of other literature—and by criticism it’s really just other interpretations/essays on other stories— just let it be. It exists, so does your story. These two don’t have to collide.