What Time Does Your School/High School/College Start At?

So, I was just wondering ; what time does your school start?

Mine: 8:30
rip in the chat :skull:


9:15-3:50 but i go in at 8:00 for an early class thing :skull:

8:25 :hot_face: am. But I sometimes come to school early at like 9:00

One week it starts at 8am and the other it starts at 1pm.

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Mine starts at 8 AM, and it ends at 3:30 PM.

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8:15 :sparkling_heart:

The middle school in my school starts at 8:00 too

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Haha, my brother’s school starts at 8:15 :joy:

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Wait no it’s 8:10 nvm :woman_facepalming:

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Lucky 7:30 yeet in EST time

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Starts at 8:30, ends at 3:30, but I have a half hour bus ride, so I get home at 4

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Half an hour? :scream:

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Yeah, it sucks

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Mine starts at like 7:30 but I get out at 2:25

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Omg same lmao! Except school ends for me 2:03 and come back home 2:30

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So sad :sob: I get out at 3:00

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Lucky! :joy: I still have to take the bus and don’t get home till three something but sometimes I stay after

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Oop, that’s my elementary school time for when I leave

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:joy: right? My little Brother gets out at 4:05 and he’s in elementary.

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