What to do when you can't fall asleep?

Okay, everyone knows I’m an insomniac who stays up to ungodly hours of the night. Most of the time when I’m awake everyone in my timezone is fast asleep. I really do not recommend screwing up your sleep schedule as I have. I have learned some tricks to make myself go to bed when I’m wide awake laying down in bed. Since the brain loves to play that game. You feel like you want to sleep but the moment you hit the pillow your brain starts running a 1000 miles per hour. So wonderful when that lovely moment pops up. :woman_facepalming:

I’m a gamer so most times I’m looking at a screen all day. It is true to get blue screen syndrome but that just depends on what you are doing. A good way to wind your mind down is to play music, read a story on your phone, and play a game that makes you think on your phone.


  • I would suggest listening to instrumental music which will lull you into sleep. It can be any type of music. A good band would be Two Steps From Hell, they are an epic instrumental band that creates music for movies, video games, and so on. The music can wear your mind down with an energetic pace. It’s helped me go to sleep on many occasions.


  • I suggest reading some ebooks if you want to keep the lights out. Also, I would read otome books since the story gives your brain more to take in because of the pictures. Rather than just words on a screen. Both types are good to try out when you can’t sleep. Voltage Inc and Lovestruck are good choices!


  • You’ll want to play a game that makes you think about what to do. I prefer playing the match 3 fix-up games because you have a goal to look for. Doing so can make you tired which can help you go to sleep.
  • I would play anything that requires a lot of reading or activity on the phone.

A few other tips is to drink non-caffeinated drinks during the night. Even eating something bland will make you tired. Take melatonin which is a natural supplement that helps you sleep at night. I like playing youtube videos during the hour before I go to bed it helps me sleep but I’m also on prescription meds for sleeping though. Make sure to go to the bathroom if you are about to go to bed. In most cases not being able to go to sleep is because of a need that you have to satisfy. Shut all the lights off in the room to see if that helps you fall asleep since something is stimulating your mind to stay awake.



I actually sometimes sing myself to sleep.

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Interesting, that’s another way to do it.

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True, I have Spotify on my tablet so I can listen to hymns all night long.

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That’s good!

Come on here or watch a film or something.


this video is actualllyyyy helpful

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I usually just watch Tik Toks until I feel tired and/or my mind stops spiralling out of control


Just lurk around here while listening to spotify or youtube. :eyes:




I do calming yoga before going to bed and meditation. Not only because it prepares the body to sleep by stretching but because it also calms my mind and relaxes me. My mind is constantly occupied by thoughts and sometimes I need some time to calm myself. This helps me a lot so I totally recommend it!


Listen to music and annoy people on the forums


I rarely ever have trouble falling asleep but when I do… I just daydream :thought_balloon::heart_eyes:

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I use my phone and go to Netflix and sleep off while watching it :joy:


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I don’t know, I tried everything but sometimes I can’t fall asleep even if I’m extremely tired… It’s really annoying. I usually just close my eyes and hope I’d fall asleep.


You can trick yourself into sleep if you use a red light. Red lights actually help make you go to bed.


Ohhh, I’ll try it :eyes:


Sounds good!

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I just watch YouTube until I’m tired af

  • Daydream
  • Count backwards 7-7 or 8-8 or any number that’s somewhat big, not 2-2. For example backwards from 100, 11-11.
  • Focus on my breathing.

That’s all. :blush:

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