What type of nerd are you?

I remember the days when being called a nerd, geek or a dork were insults but nowadays they aren’t really used as that anymore and if they are then you’re probably living in a 90’s high school movie set in America.

Apparently there are different types of nerd which fall into different categories, for fun I did a quiz and I got “music nerd” as my result. Feel free to take that quiz or do your own but tell me the results and what you think.



Comic Book Nerd
And yet I don’t own a single comic

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I can be obsessed with the movies I have already watched. But I don’t really watch movies that much

I got movie nerd, but I can guarantee you I’m not-

Sports Nerd


Sports nerd

I’m not even interested in sports :joy:

So true

Music nerd!
They’re not completely wrong, though… I do spent a lot of time talking about, researching, and listening to my favorite music. :yellow_heart:

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