What type of phone does your character have?

Carter Watson:
Carter would actually also have an older phone. Sort of a case of, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” He doesn’t care about having the newest stuff, so even if he had to replace his phone, he still wouldn’t get the most expensive one. He’d get something cheaper that does everything he needs.

Amanda Weston-Lucier:
I imagine she’d have the same kind of phone as her sister, Clara, just in purple.

Eddie Flynn:
Honestly, it’s whatever phone has the best camera. Whether it be the newest, or a few models back, it would have to be one that could take very high quality photos and videos especially. That way he’s not limited if he doesn’t have his regular video camera on him.

Lucy Khanna:
She’d want the shiniest, newest phone she can get.

Quinn Castillo:
He’d also want the newest phone possible. He’s also got a reputation to uphold, and wouldn’t want to have anything older than one phone model behind the newest.



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Sorry Jez

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Dan always adds so much extra work for her…

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It’ll go to the new hire(s) who handle’s dan’s media issues

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aww :smiling_face:


Not all my characters in the Selections would own a phone, as the world doesn’t allow it, but based on their personalities and such I would say:

Emberlynn has the newest and fanciest iPhone, she cares about that type of stuff, showing off
Amanda, I could see her having some quite retro phone, one that’s in good condition but is super old. Like an old iPhone I think.
Camila, she’s an Android girl for sure, she would have quite a decent one. Definetly not the most recent or most expensive one, but just a regular one.
Leah would have a second handed phone for sure, probably a reliable one that is just a sturdy one, like a Nokia or something
Jake, definitely a recent iPhone, now he’s able to pay for those luxuries, he wants it.
Penn has just a very regular phone, I would say an iPhone, but not the most recent one


oh how lovely
i’ll think about it

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Let me hate on fin

I don’t get much joy in life

But that gives me joy

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Think fast :sob::sob::sob:

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Chai has the latest phone and probably has a burner phone as well. She has a thin peserved flower resin case. :eyes: Made by yours truly ofc.

maybe sm like this

Pin on Flower Phone Case

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my characters belle fleur and Harrison davis phone:
What Is The Letter Format Envelope | 101 Business Letter


In mayday

Nokia 3310



That nokia could kill someone :sob:


jennifer does not have a phone?? :sob:


I’d assume they have a house phone but she’s never home so :skull:


With new developments in the rp Jenny will after school be rushing to buy a phone :sob::joy:

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