What type of phone does your character have?

You know how people say the “The eye is the mirror to one’s soul”? Well, I think, in a odd way, someone’s phone can also be at least a slight indication into the type of person someone is.

No really:

There are scientific connections to the type of phone someone has and what that says about them.

However, In fun way, I’d love to ask you all - what type of phone does your character have? Does your character follow the crowd and have the newest iphone? Do they think phones are irrelevant and still have the one they got in middle school? Let me know!


@Caticorn after reading Dom’s reply, tell me why I think he has like a Samsung he got in college that he never cared about upgrading :joy:

And his kids are propbably like "dad :roll_eyes: "



Daniel Parker: Has a phone that’s obviously not even out yet, and a phone that he himself built. No, you cannot have it :triumph:
Jessica Pierce: Dan got her a phone that beeps everytime she get’s a certain distance away from it so she doesn’t lose her phone yet again :frowning: Also it’s solar charged, because she always forgets to charge it too
Riker Taylor-DeLoughrey: Has the newest phone. He follows the crowed duh… and he loves seeing all the new lil accessories he can get
Amelia Grace Taylor-DeLoughrey: I don’t know why but I feel like she doesn’t care but has the newest phoen becaues Phoebe wanted the newest phone and Riker wasn’t just going to buy one of his kids a new phone and not the other one soooo @astxrism
Ricky Montoya: Newest Iphone for sure. I have no doubt.

I have more characters but I’m going to have to think about the rest :joy:

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ngl i’d never thought about this before

but well the first chara that came to my mind was HoC’s Xinyi
i think they’d have the newest phone, and he’d get a solid colour case just to fill it with stickers themself


Okay, but honestly, I feel like he cares more about upgrading his laptop than his phone because he does all his business online and his phone upgrades come in the form of his husband handing him a new phone and saying ‘you’ll take better pictures of your art with this’

Zion I think wouldn’t have the newest model but always be 1 model behind, like they know when to upgrade their phone but waits until the previous model has gone down in price

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BR2 Characters:
Clara Ines Weston-Lucier: Probably doesn’t have the newest model but isn’t far behind - definitely a white one. Her case is pink with butterflies

Xavier Pestanta: Has the newest model because it’s one of the ways his parents like to spoil him. He’d have a clear case and he puts a picture of either his dog or him and Athena inside it

Athena Lee: They could care less about how current their phone is and only gets a new one when the old one starts to stop working. They have a yellow case that they’ve probably decorated with stickers

Niko Tanaka: They always have the newest model from their dad’s company. Their case is blue, probably with a rabbit on it

Embry Thompson: Definitely has the newest model of iPhone and she definitely has a super protective case because her phone is probably one of her most important possessions

Napoleon Park: He has the newest phone and has it in a simple, solid dark red case. Inside the case, he keeps a picture of him and his father from when he was younger

Evelyn Zhang: She’d probably use her phone until it needs to be replaced and then get whatever the newest model is. Her case is a turquoise marble design and she’d have a light blue beaded phone charm

Atlas Choi: Probably doesn’t have a very recent phone and has a relatively simple phone case

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HoC Characters:
Moon Nabi: I feel like she has one of those purple Samsung flip phones which she’s decorated with butterfly stickers
Alexander Engel: He probably has the newest iPhone and has a clear case so he can put a picture of him and his boyfriend in the back


Wouldn’t expect anything less from Dan.

Here’s a couple of my BR2 characters.

Laurel Parker:
Definitely the newest model, unless her mom and uncle Dan let her have a newer model (designed by Dan) that hasn’t been released yet.

Logan Blackwood:
Definitely an older phone. She’s the type to probably have had the same phone for years as long as it still works. It wouldn’t surprise me if she still has a phone she might’ve gotten when she was maybe 13. If she’s changed phones, it’d be to whatever is the cheapest she could get.

also moved the thread to the Character Corner and added tags


you shouldn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably an unreleased model - realistically

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that seems accurate

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pink and butterflies are basically clara’s entire brand

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For my selection characters:

Edith - has the newest phone and replaces it as soon as a better one comes up. It helps so she doesn’t have to manually delete contacts every time she saves someone’s number. Probably uses a default background or a picture of herself

Kaia - has a phone she hasn’t replaced in 7 years. The screen is probably shattered by now, the battery drains completely every 2 hours, most apps crash, but it works! She’d probably put some handmade stickers on it and have the sea as a bg

The others don’t have phones

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Phoebe - yup defo has the newest iphone, not having it is not an option
Fin - same thing goes for him, gotta keep up with his image
Zek - oh he just dooooesn’t care. He probs uses the one he had for 5+ years, dropped it so many times and it’s broken but somehow still works
Katie - hm hm this is a difficult one. She would want the newest phone but can’t get it



Glad to see I’m right




seems very zek

kaspian will buy you one

or steal you one


Definitely. As long as Dan wouldn’t think it would be risky giving her an unreleased model considering the potential of her being arrested. :woman_shrugging:t2:Wouldn’t want the cops seeing too much of the unreleased model. Can’t have the next model becoming public knowledge too soon.

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Eh he’s giving her an unreleased model

one that has great security measures and cops can’t get into

it’s fine

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Alright good.
If they ask questions about it, she’ll send them to Dan.

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and he’ll send those questions to jezebel

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