What was the first manga you read?

For me it was Tokyo Ghoul, I actually own every volume of it. I still love it hehe.

What about you guys?



Tokyo Ghoul. I borrowed it from my friend.


I’ve never read a manga, but the first anime I ever watched was “Save me lollipop”


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I’ve already shared which one was the first one I read, so I thought I’d share what the first one my brother read was! For him, I’m pretty sure it was this Pokémon manga he got in a box set.

My first manga was Tokyo Ghoul I think.

Either that or One Piece, but I can’t remember.

What about you @AnimeNerds?

I think it was Parasyte ngl. Either Parasyte or Death Note :thinking:

Mine was Kemono Incident

Seven Deadly Sins

Manga Messiah, if that counts.

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