What was the first tabletop you ever played?

I honestly have no idea what the first one was, but I remember playing a lot of Sorry as a kid :thinking:


I can’t remember… :thinking:

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probs monopoly

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Do you like monopoly?

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Yeah :sparkles:

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Candyland, probably

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I played a lot of candyland when I was a kid!

I’m pretty sure I did too

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I have no idea what it’s called but it was “Mensch ärgere dich nicht”, I think it’s called ludo in English but idk?? :eyes::eyes:

Damn no idea
But I used to play quite a lot of tabletops as a kid they’re rad

I had some old games that belonged to my parents when they were kids. Many of them were just simple games where you roll a dice and move forward, pretty easy and not too complex for children :smile_cat:

Oh it was definitely snakes and ladders

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