What was the first thing you ever wrote?

I still remember the first story I ever wrote and it was pretty bad… :joy:

So what about the first thing you wrote?
Was it good or bad?


The first story I wrote was when I was in third grade, it was a short story. It was called “Maggie’s Best Letter Contest” and it was horrible :joy::rose::two_hearts:

It’s also one of the only stories I actually finished writing :no_mouth::rose::two_hearts:


A trashy story about 2 girls finding a magic rock which gave them powers basically :rofl: I think I was 11 or something


cLASSIC STORY CALLED MY FIRST LOVE, and it was okay…i guess. XDDDD


Too far in my memory… I can’t remember-


HAHAHA! A small book about a little girl and her day out. I was about 5. I even created the book and illustrated it. HEHE. I think I still have it somewhere.




Ahhh probably something I had to do for school

:eyes: I barely remember

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It’s a story based on my childhood game which my brother and I wrote together. It was pretty cringy and there’s a lot of grammar mistakes haha

I wasted a lot of papers for that and idk where it goes lol

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The original draft of Kito, when it was a comic! \o/

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I’ve been writing stories since I was like 5 so I doubt they were any good and I can’t remember what they were about, I do remember being given a prompt every week for “big write” when everybody in the school would write a story based off the prompt. Those were fun but my first promptless story seems to have escaped ny mind.


I mean I used to do stick-figure stories when I was 5 sooooo pre-Kito dark ages? :eyes:


The first story I ever wrote was when I was ten, and I named it The Haunted House on Spooky Lane.

I don’t have a copy of it, since it was from thirteen years ago, but I remember that it was about a group of fourth graders who went to look for their missing friend that was last seen near a creepy old mansion on a road that was called Stillwater but was dubbed the name “Spooky Lane”. I don’t know what ten year old me was thinking.


When I was in fourth grade, I remember writing a short story about a girl who found a cat on the street and took it home. It was a class assignment that we had to read to a group of first graders. Judging from the expressions of the first graders, it was pretty boring. :joy: :joy:


I was in elementary school, a story about a factory that creates dreams but then it shut off and everyone started having nightmares. LMAOOOO


I used to write poetry when I was young and sad haha
I wish I could find it, I really do because it was so bad!

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I really can’t remember the very first thing I wrote. I’ve always liked writing and I always find notebooks filled with uncompleted stories. Most follow the same theme. They’re adventurous and apocalyptic, because I loved dystopian stuff. They had to do with surviving and really just test ones limits. I never had much of character descriptions or setting descriptions, it was more like a plan and I always had some type of schedule and sketched out living spaces. Hard to explain, there was lots of text but it probably only made sense to me :joy: :dizzy:


Well the first thing that I wrote was probably gonna be some small letter or kindergarten story :joy:

The first story I can remember writing was with a friend in fifth grade that we looked over a while ago and was just so poorly written, it made us both laugh.

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