What was the most unnecessary thing that you learned in school?
Why do you think that it was unnecessary?
Probably those graphs from Economy classes. I bet nobody will know WTH any of them mean even if they got an A on the test where they had to explain them.
(in math)
I just still have a tough time understanding how all the scientific names we were taught in Class tenth are ever going to be useful for me. (I mean, they would be useful for the biology students but what is the point of teaching all of us?!)
Also, how about how to differentiate between dinosaurs? It’s not like I am gonna go on a luncheon with one anyway.
Addition and condensation reactions in Chemistry. Didn’t understand them then or now.
Geometry, because I failed the exam twice and should’ve taken Trigonometry first
Mostly everything, except how some lessons can be useless
Like do i need an equation/a super difficult math problem to succed in life?? That’s for those who like math and want a profession with math, it’s just not for everyone.
I also think letter and greek letters in math won’t be needed anytime in the future except for hids who like math and want to pursue it. Like I know math is all around us and that’s why it’s one of the primary subjects but I really don’t think mathematical problems that are so hard and advanced should be the basic everybody must know? Like if a kid has to know all this information to pass high school, but wants to go to college that has nothing to do with math. Like psychology college … My question is why is this the basic while you could be teaching us things that we most certainly will see in life? Like money exchange and depozits? I was so lucky to go to an economy high school to teach this instead of the sh*t they learned in grammar school.
Lol, leraning moral doesn’t make you have more moral values.
- that dumb leaf diagram
Nope I mean the biological structure of a leaf
I really hate tree diagrams
What are tree diagrams?
They are supposed to help calculate probability
Digits of Pi. I mean it was cool learning about it but…
I’m trying to think of other things but my mind is blank…
How many digits did you have to learn?
I don’t remember, not many but like…
Standardized tests! OOf. Could have spent that time learning soo much other things!