What were you afraid of as a child?

So, since we are talking about fears and phobias, what’s something you were scared of when you were young but is no longer a fear for you?

I personally used to be scared of spiders a lot, but I outgrow that… Also I legit had a fear for eating certain things (mainly fish and some vegetables) but I basically am an easy eater now. Also, when I was younger I was really afraid of the dark, still not 100% at ease with complete dark but it’s like not an issue anymore.

So what were you afraid of as a child? :purple_heart:


I was really scared of thieves. Like sometimes i would wake up in the middle of the night and peak through the hall to see if someone would break in or i had thoughts about being kidnapped in my sleep and waking up elsewhere.


I use to be so petrified of this guy from the simpsons. He scared me so much that I actually use to have nightmares about him. Don’t even understand why he use to scare me so much.



I also use to be scared of this exact thread that my mum use to use for me and my sister’s hair because I saw it move on it’s own when I was alone. I use to scream and cry when my mum bought it close to me. I eventually got over it though lol.



I also use to be afraid of my dad not coming home from work when he worked nights because something had happened to him. The thought always use to make so sick (not physically lol).
I use to be afraid of going to funerals at nights (that wasn’t happening at my church) because I always thought gunmen would interrupt the funerals and start shooting everyone. So everytime my mum and sister would go (they would go to a lot) I would stay awake or try to until I heard them come home.

Whew some weird fears I use to have. Now I am absolutely petrified of mice and rats. Would rather be bitten by a snake and die than come close to those things :face_vomiting:.


I was scared of other people :no_mouth::green_heart::eyes::eyes::eyes:


Getting a needle, Bugs (Still am), and dogs.

I once cried bc this huge dog started barking at me and running towards me (Even though it was behind a fence). :joy:

I also used to fight the doctors and like push them away and elbow them bc I didn’t want a needle…

And bugs, I’m still scared of them. They’re just so nasty and they have so many legs and they make weird noises and it’s just ewww.

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  • I used to dream about this clown-looking monster, and I was afraid that if I told my parents, he’d appear in my dreams that night and attack me. I think I stopped dreaming about him when I was about 8 or 9.

  • When I was a baby, I was afraid of the sound of scissors curling ribbons. But now I love curling ribbons with scissors.

  • For many years, I was afraid of dogs because I got bit by a dog I was playing with when I was 2.

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I was terrified of people in costumes, I used to go to disney world or universal every year and all the pictures were me like 6 feet away from all the characters

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As a child I actually wasn’t afraid of many things- I’m afraid of more things now lol. But I think the dark and going places alone. Those sometimes still scare me.

Added discussion tag!

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I was afraid of ghosts stories and even haunted house and spirit attacks you. After I went to a park at that haunted during the day but it haunted by dark , I have feelings that some ghosts may be friendly then evil. Did anyone saw that creepy house on inside edition about 2 days ago.

My mom went on the uss North Carolina battleship when she was young and she enjoy it. That also haunted too.

I was scared of men except for my Dad and oldest brother

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I was afraid of getting stung by a bee (still am). I was also terrified of the dark as well as growing so tall, I wouldn’t be able to fit inside my house :joy::rose::two_hearts:

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:honeybee: :eyes:

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Oh I’m afraid of that too! My brother once disturbed a wasp’s nest (completely on accident) then a wasp just went after him and he had stings literally everywhere…
I’ve gotten stung by a hornet before and it wasn’t that bad because I think I got it off fast but it still hurt, but ya know… not that bad. Like it felt like someone was pinching me at first and a few times it actually stung then it died down. But still am afraid of it lol but it isn’t a huge fear.

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My mum, and I still am. :slight_smile:

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Ouch :grimacing::rose::two_hearts:
I started being afraid of bees after I got stung by one. I was four I think :thinking::rose::two_hearts:

For me, I get stung by a bee like twice but bee making honey. And I’m not allergic to bee at all.

I never got stung by a bee before

I was scared of dogs which is something I was bullied about for a while :joy: people mistake me saying “I’m scared of dogs” for “I don’t like dogs” I love doggos but their barking startles me and they can be somewhat unpredictable. But with that said I still find them adorable and haven’t been scared of them for a long time.

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I was always scared of bugs. When I was a child I would always run when I see any type of insect that could move. Honesty those bugs do still scare me. The only other thing I would be scared of hiding in the dark while playing hide and seek. I would hide in a closet in the dark for what seemed like a long time, it always freaked me out but was my best hiding spot.

I was afraid of waking up in the middle of night and seeing some figure staring right at me. :rofl::white_heart:

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