What would want to change in your favorite book?

This is a hard choice to choose between. There are many stories where I wish something else happened instead. I think the one that stands out the most is actually a visual novel I like to read. It’s the one called the Kissed By the Baddest Bidder. There is the one scene in the second season of Eisuke’s route that kind of annoys me. It’s where he buys him and the mc an island to live on. The MC gets a bit on edge because she works as a maid at the hotel he owns. The reason she gets upset is that she would have to be waited on by other people. It’s just a bit annoying how they portrayed the scene but that would be the one part I would have changed to make it a smoother scene.

Is there a scene in your favorite book that you would like to change?


Some stories on Episode I really love the concept of but just don’t like the characters or how it was done. Which is fine because I have a different writing style than they do and their story is still really good lol (much better than stuff I can do XD)


Yeah, I feel the same as well.


Nothing, that’s why they’re my favourites.


Good answer!

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I have to agree with nothing. There are things I wanted to happen that didn’t, but, I respect the decision to not do them. Also, if things went my way with a story then that’d make it boring for me. I like seeing other people’s train of thought when I read and what they come up with. It’s just interesting to me when I think one thing is going to happen and then something different that’s still cool happens. Or when a character has a plan I always love finding out what that plan is. Rambling. Point is I wouldn’t change anything cause I like and respect what the author did with the characters anyways XD

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One of my favorite books is “The Belles”, but I dislike the sequel. So maybe I’d change some parts about that :eyes:

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I kinda want one character to not die but it’s also super important to the story soo… :sweat_smile:

To be completely honest - nothing
Not a single thing

Okay, I’ve got new favourite book and there’s one part that I’d want to change: In one scene, the author just wrote something like “He talked about it.” And I really want to know what he says! Like, the words, the way he talks about it.

@Bookworms What would you want to change in your favourite book?

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NOTHING. That’s why it’s my favourite. (wink)

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Warning: Major spoilers for Little Women:


I wish the dad died. I know that’s cynical but like I loved the mom/women led family, and then when the dad comes in it brings the conventionality and this religion and even tho that was present before the dad doesn’t have as much personality as the mom and he’s seen as like this great thing that holds the family together, but like as readers we’re disconnected with him because he’s only present in this epistolary form (through letters and such or spoken of by other characters). If he died I would have loved to see how the family dealt with it and their world crashing with this war (this was during the civil war I believe?) going on. I also hated Beth’s death. Well, not in the sense of having to deal with death because that was done well but I didn’t like the fact that Beth died because of her sisters’ negligence and letting her go nurse this sick baby. Like wow that’s a fcked up moral lesson! Oh and I never liked Amy and the guy getting together (forgot his name). I never like saw him with Joe either, but I felt like it was a bit too easy to have Amy and him get together instead. Aside from that tho, and even with that stuff it’s a great book!

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I’ll always have things to nitpick even in books I really like/are my favorites! Even if they’re a masterpiece and well crafted, I’d still probably have a preference towards something or other being different. But I’d also acknowledge that it’s perfect the way it is and that’s why it works! If that makes sense.

Notes From Underground is probably the one book I wouldn’t change at all. It’s not my favorite, but it is so well worked that I wouldn’t dare.

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You know what… I wish it was longer so I can have more cute moment

The author of it :slightly_smiling_face: Mostly the Harry Potter books are great, it’s who wrote it and her stances that ruined it for me to a degree…

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Fixed a tag and some emojis


Currently reading it. Just finished chapter five.


^^^ Still accurate!


Lol of course! Low key forgot this was my own thread. :rofl: