What would you do for €100

Oui, sorry @ShanniiWrites :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Would you stalk someone for 100€?


No way, :nauseated_face:

Would you drink 2 liters of sugary Kool-Aid (sweet drink oversaturated with sugar) for 100€?

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No :nauseated_face:
Would you die for 100

eh no

would you eat 4000 cookies for 500

Depends on whether it’s yum or not :eyes::joy:
Would you swim for six hours for €100?

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Would you hold a handstand for half an hour for £100 ?

Non :rose::two_hearts:
Would you join this week’s emoji contest for $100? :rose::two_hearts:

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Would you marry someone on the forums irl for 1,000,000,000?

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This is hard…no.

Would you do drugs for $100,000?

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Would you have plastic surgery for 100,000,000,000,000,000?


Would you always fail the rest of your tests this year for $100?

No, not worth getting expelled or reading the same thing for another year :eyes::eyes:

Would you not talk and only sing for the next few months for €100?

Nope, unless everyone else starts doing it too :joy::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Would you stop talking to 3 of your friends for 100€?

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I have a friend group of 5, including me, so no.
Would you quit the forum for 100,000,000,000,000?

Oui, for one day. :shushing_face::white_heart:

Would you be mean to the forum staff for $100 000 000?

Would you not come to the forums for a month for €100?

Non :eyes::sparkles:

Would you bump 330 threads for 100€?

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Would you die for 4Billion

No there would be no point

Would you marry someone you hate for 1000074636363636 dollars

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Oui, I could just divorce them after :innocent:

Would you marry your sister for 1M

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