What would you do for €100

Ugh, no,

Would you betray someone for 727277272727272737372727272 dollars

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Yes :eyes:

Would you betray your only friend for £300


Would you spend a night with a serial killer for half a million dollars?

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Would you not call 999 when there is a fire for €200?

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Yeah because the emergency number in my country is different so I never would’ve thought of calling 999 in the first place lol

Would you get mono for 150 dollars?

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Would you become a singer for $100?

I would probably become a singer for free :joy:

Would you get banned from these forums for $500?

No way!

Would you become a plant for $10000000000000000000?

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No lol, then there’d be no point in having money

Would send your county into war for a billion dollars?

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Would you become a dancer for $100?

With the dancing skills I have now? Why not :woman_shrugging:

Would you listen to Beyonce nonstop for 24hrs for $100?

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Would you run for 1 hour nonstop for $100?

And have an excuse to eat all those calories I burned? YeaAHahahah

Would you read the entire Bee Movie Script for $100?

That’s the script ^


Would you stand in a room full of people with the coronavirus for $500?

Oui, as long as the people all keep 5 metres away and we all wear masks and other stuff for our safety :eyes::eyes::eyes:

Would you never eat chocolate again for 1000€? :eyes::sparkles:


Would you watch 5 horror films for 100€?

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Would you stop eating sweets for $100?

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Would you clean your whole house for 100?

Oui :new_moon::dizzy:

Would you eat a bracelet for $100?

Heck no!! :joy:

Would you dress like a hot dog and dance in front of your classmates for 100?