What would you do if you saw your partner kissing someone else?

I’d get angry and sad, probably running off in tears or trying to attack them and the person they were kissing. Yep. Anger issues. @Discussions


Yet your reaction is completely understandably

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I’d hope so.

I would walk away

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Well, you’re better than me.

:sparkles:PURE :sparkles:

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Kiss someone else too :pray:t5::pray:t5:



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Let them be and ruin their life while they’re busy kissing someone else or just break up with them and read some books, they’re not really worth the effort of they cheat tbh


Gotta keep the city girls up

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I thought of this.

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But maybe I’ll just walk them with a pillow.

Honestly… that would make me want to do some awful things. I’d go into a mf spiral.

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Uh… if it was definitely a kiss of passion (not just a peck) and I had walked to see it or something, then that’d be it. ‘Cause that’d probably be him cheating. However, if it had been talked about it beforehand and all parties knew what was happening then I’d be cool with it.

Although, I’m pretty sure this would never happen ‘cause he doesn’t like sharing. Hahaha. Which is gonna make it interesting when we go out with friends and stuff, and he sees what I’m like around others. Eek. Lol


Pull my partner away, scream at them and run away, tears streaming down my face like in a cartoon


I had to.

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That would never happen…hopefully.

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No, this —

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Figures. Crying Midoriya is just funny.

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