What would you like to change about school?

I’m really happy to be out of school because for me some points about the school system are outdated. I can’t even really decide what the worst of all was. But if I could change one thing about school, I’d change the way grades are given or even get rid of them completely.

What’s one thing you’d like to change about school?


One thing?

Damn okay, I’d change the way we’re taught to adapt more to the individual student since we all learn in different ways different resources should be made available.



Uhmmmm this is hard

Honestly I would change out the courses that aren’t needed for ones that could be created that could help us in life.
I know history is all useful and whatever, but really we need to be focusing on the future and changing the future rather than the past. We can’t change the past but we can change the future! Learning about the past is good sometimes, when it comes to rights and stuff but… still the future is more important

There should be courses about how to do taxes, etc. Basically anything that an adult would have to do, but at the moment have to figure out all by themselves


If I could change on thing, then I wish to decrease the number of subjects in school. I have to learn 12 subjects, but only 10 of them are important. They can easily get rid of subjects like Moral (yes it’sa a legit subject that is very important) and history, at least.


I can’t choose one! :tired_face:

Shorten the length of the school day and load of work. Most of the time I get pretty sound sleep at like 8/9 hours each night but when I come home from school I want to faint. :pensive:

Ignore that I responded to the wrong person! Sorry El!


I love learning, I want to know everything but when I have that pressure of knowing I’ll be given a grade it makes me really anxious and I just can’t focus. That’s how I felt in high school at least.


i would change the fact that we have to ASK to do basic things. eg. use the bathroom, have our water bottles out in class, stuff like that. like what? idk if that’s just my school but our teachers have a rule where you can’t let students use the bathroom unless they have an accident in class :neutral_face: that especially doesn’t help when you’re on your period lmao


It’s okay hehe


Yeah, I wanna grab my stuff and dart to the bathroom but ever since last year we have to sign out! And the sign-out sheet is in front of the room :pensive:


yikes that’s dumb placement lmao


There’s like five things to fill out too!


The school bathrooms
Don’t lie, we all know the bathrooms were chaotic


Hm… there are many things that could b done differently.

I don’t like grades either, it can discourage you from actually learning. I only studied to get good grades and then I forgot everything.

It was also funny that people who went to the same class for ten years of their life still didn’t know each other. So maybe they should work on building relationships a bit better :laughing:

But I would say grades and what and how they teach and test students.


More bathrooms!!! My school barely has any bathrooms, and all of them are dirty. :roll_eyes:


I would like to change the whole education system.

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More communication between teachers and students, and a more approachable and reliable school organizations as well as more dynamic concepts and strategies

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@Students Any ideas?

Maybe there needs to be a fundamental change, maybe a change of what we learn at school or something like that