What would you tell your children about beauty?🦋

I suppose I’ll just tell them that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is a saying I also agree with and it pretty much sums things up.
I’d never teach them that they have to follow all the beauty standards of society and everything because I just don’t think they should, it’s mostly stupid standards ngl

What about you guys? @Discussions


honestly, I would tell them that they define themselves, not anyone else. if they think they look good, they look good. imo it’s only ur opinion that counts


I don’t plan on having any children because because my asexuality doesn’t condone it :sweat_smile: But in all seriousness It’s better to teach them to love their natural state more because it’s more authentic. To each its own.
Society is just messed but not everyone has to follow what’s going on in the world or around them :100:
Be you.
Be unique.


I would tell them.
“Beauty is being yourself, being you is better than trying to be what you’re not”


“If you want to be beautiful, don’t try hard to fit in what they call the beauty standards. Follow what you truly want and discover yourself, because that’s what beauty means.”

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I’d remind them every day about what beauty means; it’s subjective.

Someone may find something unappealing but that doesn’t mean it is because someone else might also find that attractive. There is no concrete definition for beauty because it fluctuates from people to people and society to society.

The most important thing about beauty is knowing who you are, having self respect, dignity, and confidence


I’m going to tell them that everyone is beautiful in their own way and that they get to decide what beauty means to them.

“Run, it’s a scam”

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