What would your ideal school look like?

Heyy there.

So, how would you describe your ideal school? And how would it run/work?

I guess mine would include many things to do that students get to choose. Cooking, music, sports, art, computers would be included and students would choose what they are more interested at and there will be other lessons, like Math but how to use it in the actual world. Generally, the school would prepare students mostly for the future, and just a little bit of the past.

What about you?


i would like to know how to do actual work like taxes n stuff like that.

schools are designed to make you clueless when you go onto the real world. i don’t want stress about money and the only thing i know is the periodic table.

i want schools to have shorter hours and not have those special classes like tech ed, gym, art, music… i don’t need that. but i wish we could chose a class.

maybe have nicer teachers and like NO homework?

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I would say one hour of school :grin::joy:

But to be realistic I would want the teachers to teach things that you can learn in the real world. Have shorter hours, Every school have things like theater, newspaper, music, art competitions, different sports (My high school didn’t have these things so it was extra boring.:weary:)

I’d say I like my school. It’s a nice place to be. We even finish 30 mins earlier on a Monday. There’s a variety of clubs and the staff are easy to get along with. The food in the cafeteria is pretty unhealthy and if you are like me, then that’s just great. (I excercise and eat healthy though, I don’t promote unhealthy eating.)

There’s a good community and when we do sports days and compete against each other’s academy, it becomes a really nice place to be.

Although, I do wish it was more diverse. The school can’t help that and you can’t accept people based on your race but my ideal school would have more people who looked like me. The place where I live is 98.2% white or something, so there aren’t many ethnic minorities anyway but that would be my ideal school.

There is only 1 black student at my school and about 3 or 4 mixed white and black people, myself included. I think the Asian population of the school is something similar to that. So, it can get kinda racist at times but the school deals with that quite adequately.

I would also love a swimming pool. I love to swim and I think that would help combat the cafeteria food.

I agree with you! Things that are actually helpful would be a priority! We don’t have this here but the option to choose your classes would be wonderful! More art!!! More creativity! Clubs, shorter classes.

Sports would be a big deal too - gym with equipment and a swimming pool.

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Stuff that only benefits your future! Looks at the school curriculum and tosses half of it.

We need to know stuff like, ‘How to pay taxes’, ‘How to pay your bills’ not ‘wRItE aN EsSAY oN ThIS BoRINg BoOK’. :neutral_face:

More options for kids who know what they want to do in the future. Not important but mood lighting in classrooms would benefit me a lot, a place where you can go without being yelled at for nOT hAVinG A pAsS. There’s so many little things that schools can change to improve a lot of school experiences but they don’t take any of them into account. :sob:


A school that teaches us life skills.

I can totally relate. There are so many things i don’t know which i should that the only thing I know is how to solve an equation that i probably don’t even remember.

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My ideal school would cater to a wide variety of abilities and interests. There could be tests that kids could take, like a placement test so the school can choose a program for them.

For example, kids that are very artistically skilled but terrible at math might be put in an art-based learning program that would have more hands-on math classes.

This school would also teach life skills such as cooking, personal finance, driver’s ed (in high school), and other basic skills that are necessary for the real world.

The cafeteria would have a wide range of options including both healthy food and not-so-healthy food, but the not-so-healthy food options could be limited to certain days of the week only, in order to promote healthy eating.

There would be a swimming pool, a soccer field, and other areas for learning and practicing sports.

The classrooms would be large, and it would be mandatory to take students outside to work in the yard at least once a week.


Yes! That’s exactly how school were supposed to be!! :star_struck:

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I would love one with a class that solely focuses on teaching you the real world.
For example, I know there’s a lot behind taxes, insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, etc, and some kids are forced into situations where they have to learn this alone at an early age

I also would drop meaningless requirements. For example, a grad requirement for my school is to take 2 semesters of tech ed, when I’m no where near interested in that subject. I’m going to put little effort, so my grades would most likely not be so great if I’m not trying.

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Replace the humans with ducklings and the grades with food :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Quack :+1:

It would probably be a place where the young mind is helped to grow rather than crammed full of information then yeeted out the door with some certificates.

Bullying wouldn’t exist because they’d have found a solution to it in my ideal school.

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Added the school tag

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