What's something you never understood in school?

For the people who don’t understand why we have math, math is actually very important in school. When you do math, you use rules (for example: PEMDAS) in order to find the sum. There’s various ways you can use these sets of rules to solve the problem. This helps develop your problem solving skills that you can use in the future for situations that require it. The better you are at math, and the quicker you are at moving around the problem, it shows how you tend to attack problems, which can correlate to real-world situations

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Why we don’t get taught information we’ll actually use
Let’s replace trigonometry or quantum physics with something like oh, I don’t know, changing a tire, doing taxes, or anything we’ll need to know as an adult?

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I never understood why people were so divided in school.


@Students Is there something you never understood in school? Maybe we can solve those mysteries together :eyes:

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Math, especially anything after Algebra.

About this:

Usually, these rules are set by the principal or the board of education, and I’m assuming that the reason why students have to ask for permission to do these things is so that teachers know where the student is in case they skip class or go missing, and can give account to the parents as to where the kid said they would be.


Anything after Algebra or Biology

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Yeah, the bathroom thing I’ve been told is just a safety thing. Which is understandable. A teacher is responsible for the students and where they are etc…

But yeah, I have trouble understanding math and particularly why we do certain things in math. I like theorems tho but have trouble memorizing them (thankfully my Calc teacher doesn’t require us to do that) and remembering why we use them and why it works.


U got graded in PE?


They removed the doors in ours (not the stall ones)

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Uh huh.



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Math. I can do the basics, but geometry, calculus and other advanced math subjects are hard for me to do.

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