What's the best and worst thing about traveling to a new country?

As in, a country you’re visiting for the first time.

BEST: The excitement of trying new foods and exploring places that you’ve never been.
WORST: If you’ve never been there before and don’t know anyone from there, you might spend a lot of money on hotels, food, transportation, etc. until you figure out how things work there.
If you don’t speak the language, you might have problems communicating with others.


Best: it’s a new foreign place you’ve never seen or been to before
Worst: it’s a new foreign place you’ve never seen or been to before


Exactlyyy :eyes:

Like it’s awesome being somewhere new and trying new things, but it can also be an absolutely terrible experience as well for those exact same reasons

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Best: you get to have a new experience of the country, have an insight for the country, enjoy local delicacies, and more!

Worst: Being on the plane for hours (poor buttcheeks), timezones and being unfamiliar with the culture.

@Discussions Thoughts?

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Best: Seeing places you’ve never seen before
Worst: Food if you’re picky like me

Added the vacation, best, worst & travel tags :blossom:

The worst are the long lines at the airport! And being cramped in a plane for hours, because most planes don’t have a lot of leg room. Then, if your destination is far away from the airport and you don’t have anyone to pick you up, waiting for the bus to take you to your destination.

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