What's the best way to learn a language at school?

While it may seem daunting to begin with, learning a language through school can be a fun experience with the right teacher and tactics. What’s the best way to learn a language at school?

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I think immersing in the culture is the best way and watching native speakers talk. I would also recommend having actual people who speak another language as their first language teaching.

Learning about culture, and history of the language. But since it’s the language, culture and the history plays a big part.

Since people are different types of learners, I’d say adding different forms of learning is very important. I guess a mix of ways can be considered a way but I think a mix of everything is well yeah, “the way”. Textbooks, practicing conversations with learners and native speakers, etc are good ways to learn. Child like text books that teach children the language is pretty helpful as well.

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