What's the hardest question at a job interview?

I’ve never had a job interview but we practiced some example questions in school. Everything seemed difficult to me and I never knew any good answers.

So my questions is: What’s the hardest question at a job interview?
Do you have a good answer to that question?


What are your strengths?
Why do you want this job?

I don’t have a good answer.

I have no idea why I got one of the jobs I went for an interview on. The other job/interviewer said that I seemed happy and got the job because of that? :joy:


Why should we hire you instead of someone else?

Yes,but that answer might differ depending on the job.You should generally just talk about how well
your personality and skillset will fit with the job your applying for.


What would your last boss/best friend/parents/anyone else say about you if we would call them?

I hate these types of questions, simply because I never have a good answer to them or the things I come up with all are negative for the job :upside_down_face: So no, usually I just kinda make something up about some of my good and bad qualities :woman_shrugging:


Geez…this would be quite tricky for me as my behaviour tends to differ depending on the person I’m with. I also think that the way I am prviatly does not reflect the way I am at work. So I’m glad no one ever asked me about it before.


Usually they choose one person, haha, but it was just an example of a type of question basically :joy:


But yeah, I completely understand this:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    This one’s hard, because what if your weaknesses are something that’s crucial for that particular job?

  • Why did you leave your last (or a previous) job?
    I once had to leave a job I loved because I was fired for being too emotional… as in, crying and getting nervous and stressed when things went wrong. But how are you supposed to tell your potential employer that?

One question I’ve never been asked, but that is asked at job interviews in different fields is ‘Where do you see yourself in ten years?’
I hate that question because I don’t have a ten-year plan mapped out. I’m not much of a long-term goal oriented person.

For the question about why I left my previous job, I just tell them that it was an issue with administration or something vague.


How do they usually react when you say that?

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They didn’t really make any comments… I guess they assumed it had something to do with the salary.


What’s the worst part about you?

If I told you truly, you wouldn’t want to hire me :sweat_smile:


#job tag added :innocent:

I also hate the question Why do you want this job?

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“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

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