What's the Most Important Thing You Learned in School?

This doesn’t need to apply to teachers, maybe it’s something you learned from another classmate or lunch lady.

One of the most important things I’ve learned was actually irrelevant to the class. My history teacher was going a bit off-topic, but he felt it was important to teach. He showed the class the importance of paying your bills on time when using credit cards, and how paying the minimum requirement late can make you end up spending more money. I now use this when I’m out grocery shopping with my grandparents or when I need to pay the bills. I’m really glad he taught me because I never knew the difference between the cards, and now that I need to know how to use it, I can spend my money more wisely.

@Discussions What about you guys?


The most important thing I have learned at school is probably different forms of writing, and learning how to write stories from different points of view, because now I can actually written little stories and jots and they’re more organized. I can always go back to them later and actually understand what I wrote, which is very helpful in many ways.
I also learned a lot in art class, like how to use Adobe Photoshop and other digital art platforms on my computer, and different shading techniques.

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that’s definitely a super useful thing to learn!

i’ve had teachers discuss practical things like that in school and it has always been far more useful to me than class material

How to learn things. I know that a lot of things you learn in school can’t be applied in the future, but the purpose of school is to teach you know to learn. If you don’t know anything, don’t drag it, whether is it seeking for help or doing research, try to understand.

How to stop yourself from cheating.

I’d say that no matter how obvious it is that people learn different, here in america you must conform to the very closed off way to “learn”. Kinda sucks in my opinion, but maybe it’s for the best. Oh well.

The most important thing I learned was how to act. Not just in the sense of how to behave correctly but also in the sense of being an actress in real life.

To get you ready with working shifts. You are in a school for about 8-9 hours. That teaches you to get used to working regular shifts at work. It’s also to help you become independent as well. I worked while I was in highschool. I didn’t get a weekend from sophomore year to well last February. Now, I work 9 hour shifts with an hour long lunch. It took time but I got used to it again since I have already been through that mindset from being in school.