What's the weirdest thing you've found out when googling something for school?

So I had to google a song we dance to in pe so I could practice something and it turned out that it’s a lesbian love song???(or at least the official clip is showing the story of a lesbian couple) The text didn’t really mention any genders or anything, so it was unexpected, especially considering that I don’t think that my pe teacher really openly supports lgbt :eyes::eyes:

So what was the weirdest or most unexpected thing you found out when you googled something for school? :eyes::eyes:


What’s the song?



I was researching Tesla coil for Physics when I came across a fact that Nicola Tesla, the founder of Tesla coil, was in fact an Asexual.


He was also obsessed with doves and built a death ray :eyes::sparkles:


@Students What’s the weirdest thing you found out when searching stuff for school?

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  • While researching on gaseous content of atmosphere, I came across a fact that our farts constitute methane and ammonia. And if we all (the whole human population) were to fart at the exact same moment one day, we would probably die of asphyxiation (is that what they call it?) and the global temperature would rise around 4-5 degrees Celsius.

  • It is mentioned that Thomas Alva Edison, the founder of the light bulb, “betrayed” Nicola Tesla by stealing his ideas.

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