What's the weirdest thing you've searched for on the internet?

Why are baby’s a@@es?

New mother. Had about 3 hours sleep in as 48 hour period was at my wits end. Hoped to find out if that stops.

Nope. Though it got alot more sleep a few months later


I always get nervous when I look up marvel related stuff, I guess I’m worried someone will find out I’m obsessed as if everyone doesn’t already know

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I do it with batman and constentine


Actually, I’m not sure. :rofl::white_heart:


“Cow suit full body amazon”
I ended up not buying it but i deffo am in the future lol.

Also does anyone else do this, search up celebrities networths to see which of my celebrity crushes is the richest :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Shrek dress, beans in items, bean clock, beanana, bean shelf, bean phone, bean crocs…

Bump :slight_smile:

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When I was little, I once searched for videos of people flushing babies down toilets…idk why I searched that :skull::rose::two_hearts:

What about y’all? :thinking::rose::two_hearts:



This was today, I searched-- “can turtles fart?” :woman_facepalming:


Umm… I searched for how to calm down when my parents annoy me :upside_down_face:

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What happens if you microwave soap?


When I was younger I searched up pooping out babies in toilets

The meaning of the word “bezoar”, maybe?

Thx to Wikipedia I found the answer, but I wonder if @Rainbow knows. :smiley_cat:

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Why me :joy: Althought I know what it is

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Good. And you never talk to me, daughter, so maybe I need to annoy you more again… :innocent: Did not see that you were online right now, though. :sweat_smile:

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Scottish accents is just one of them…

I’m on and off all the time :joy: And I don’t know what to talk about so please, keep “annoying” me :joy:

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I looked up Cyanide tablets once for a PowerPoint presentation on Nuremberg.

MatPat informed me the wrong definition of yiff. Short story short, i learned the actual meaning

How am I just seeing this :weary:

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“Correspondence shoes”… my mom was singing some song from the late 80s or early 90s that said ‘correspondence shoes’. I never found the song, but I found out what correspondence shoes are.

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