What's your default art medium?

We can’t deny it, whenever we sit down to create a piece of art, there’s usually at least one medium that we’re always coming back to.
Maybe it’s because it’s easier to work with, maybe it’s because that’s what your clients always ask for, maybe because it’s your favourite, I’m almost sure you have at least one.

@Artists - So, here’s my questions

  • What’s your default art medium?
  • Why is it the default?
  • How has your default fluctuated over the years, if at all?
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I don’t really know what to call it.


Default art medium

  • Easily, that has to be digital art. Specifically, Photoshop


  • It feels like there are far more options as compared to the other mediums available. There have been other interesting tools like IbisPaint, Krita, and Procreate, but none of them has many of the intricacies that I can achieve on Photoshop.

Has the default fluctuated over time?

  • Not really. It’s always been preferable to other programs. In the beginning, of course, I did switch around often because I was still in the stage of trying to see which app fit the best.

Mine is pencil and watercolour lol, I don’t have money or resources for anything else sadly. It used to be just pencils, so I guess I’ve branched out?

It’s a mix between traditional and digital.

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I have drawing classes every year of college so I’d say charcoal or pencil are my default art mediums

I’m still a lot better at traditional. If I want to draw a character with more details, I use traditional. Pencil and paper.

Digital art, everything I drew before that was only for school :sweat_smile:

Digital art of charcoal drawings. Love both these art mediums!

Ink pens normally, ink pens + watercolour even better but that’s a bit difficult lol